ActiveX - Microsoft, . , . OLE (OLE Automation, OLE Documents, OLE Controls,...), (COM - Component Object Model), OLE , , . , DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) - , ActiveX, , OLE, - . - OLE ActiveX.
ActiveX, Microsoft OLE COM , , . , Java Sun Netscape Navigator, ActiveX Microsoft. . ActiveX , .
ActiveX - Microsoft Web. OLE COM - Windows. VBScript - ActiveX- Web - Basic - Microsoft . Web- ActiveX Microsoft Visual Basic. .
, Microsoft Web, , ActiveX, VBScript, Microsoft Internet Explorer, ; , ActiveX. , , .
? - , , : " ActiveX" - " OLE" ( " OCX"). OLE - ActiveX- . OLE- ActiveX Web.
OLE- - . OLE- , , Microsoft , , , , . - , Internet, , Web- . OLE- . Microsoft .
: ActiveX- , . ActiveX- - COM-, OLE- , IUnknown, . OLE-, , . : "" , ActiveX-.
, ActiveX, . . OLE, , , , , . ActiveX- , . ( ) , "" , ActiveX-. ( Windows /++, Basic, Pascal .) ActiveX- - . . - , ActiveX.
VBScript (Script Visual Basic) Microsoft - , Microsoft Internet Explorer, Web ActiveX-. Web VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Microsoft . - ( ), , , , . , , VBScript.
VBA, Option Explicit VBScript . VBA VBScript , - , , - Variant. , - integer, long, single, double, string, numeric, date financial, - . , , (, VarType, IsNumeric), Web , .
VBScript - . , Java JavaScript, . , VBScript Debug. , .
VBScript- HTML <SCRIPT> , , <HEAD>. LANGUAGE="VBScript" , ( Internet Explorer JavaScript). <!-- - - >, , VBScript, .
- Web- ActiveX-, , VBScript (form objects) HTML . . VBScript FORM NAME NAME , .
ActiveX- - , HTML . <OBJECT>. ID CLSID - 128- (GUID) OLE . ActiveX VBScript Windows, , . , CODEBASE ( <OBJECT>), . , , .
Internet Explorer Microsoft - , , FireFox Opera. Internet Explorer: ActiveX-, VBScript JavaScript, HTML , (VM) Java Java-.
. - VM Java ActiveX-. , , Java . - Internet Explorer Java ActiveX , VBScript , . , Internet Explorer Microsoft Authenticode. , , , .
Web VBScript ActiveX- , , . "ActiveX Control Pad" Microsoft, V1.0 . Visual Basic "ActiveX Control Pad" , - . , , , , , . , , , .
"ActiveX Control Pad" , HTML- , . , - , HTML . , HTML . ( , HTML , HTML , , .)
Edit () "ActiveX Control Pad" Insert ActiveX Control ( ActiveX-) , ActiveX-. , . , , - , Visual Basic. , "ActiveX Control Pad" <OBJECT> <PARAM>, , HTML . , 128- Object Class ID ( !). , HTML , .
ActiveX-, VBScript , . , , , HTML . , "ActiveX Control Pad" , Script Wizard - , . , .
Script Wizard . . - , . , , . : , . Script Wizard , ( Basic). , , Basic.
, ActiveX Control Pad . ActiveX-, , ActiveX- (ActiveX Layout Control). Visual Basic, , HTML. , , . Windows- .
ActiveX Control Pad Insert Layout ( ). Toolbox, , . Toolbox : , , , , , " ". Toolbox ActiveX-. Internet Explorer, .
ALX. <DIV>, - <OBJECT>. (, VBScript.) HTML <OBJECT>. , . - , , HTML, .
ActiveX, Web ; , OLE, . .
- OLE-, , . , ActiveX. , Microsoft ActiveX , OLE-. ActiveX OLE, : " ActiveX, OLE...".
, ActiveX- . ActiveX-, - , (, Internet Explorer), . ActiveX- , , .
, , . , , , . , -, ! ActiveX , - .
OLE- - ActiveX- ( ). , Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) Control Developer's Kit (CDK), , ActiveX- . MFC OCX- , DLL- MFC-, . Web , ActiveX-, - , . . . , , , 5 , , DLL- 1 28,8-/ . , Web , . , ActiveX-, CDK .
CDK - ActiveX Template Library (ATL), Microsoft, Visual C++ (. URL- ). ATL MFC, . , MFC, , , ATL.
MFC C. Web- Microsoft ActiveX Controls Framework, , . ; , . ActiveX Development Kit. , . ( , , "// ""!".) , OLE. ActiveX- (Control Wizard), . OLE ActiveX, .
, - , BaseCtl. Microsoft, Internet Explorer. ActiveX Development Kit. , BaseCtl . : COM, OLE ActiveX. , - BaseCtl .
Java? Microsoft, ActiveX VM Java, Internet Explorer. : Java-, VM Java Microsoft, ActiveX- ActiveX. , Borland, Microsoft, Powersoft Symantec, Java ActiveX-. , , Java- ActiveX-, , Java- , . . ActiveX-.
, ActiveX- ; 32- Windows. ActiveX- , , - C++ Java.
, ActiveX Development Kit, . Microsoft, , , ActiveX Development Kit, SDK . , ISAPI (Internet Server API) , Win32 SDK. , - ActiveX Development Kit . .
ActiveX- - ActiveX Development Kit, . , , IMAGEHELP, ActiveX-, Internet Component Download " " , (. , ). " " , " " . , Internet Component Download ActiveX-, .
, . ActiveX- Web , . . . - , , , .
ActiveX Development Kit VBScript CryptoAPI. VBScript, Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition, - , Visual Basic, HTML-. - JavaScript Sun. Microsoft VBScript Windows Macintosh, Digital, HP, IBM Sun.
Web , Internet . CryptoAPI , . , . , , , , . ActiveX-, CryptoAPI, . CryptoAPI Windows.
? , , ActiveX-. , Microsoft Internet Explorer (, , ActiveX- Netscape Navigator, NCompass Labs, , Netscape, , . ActiveX Development Kit , , , Internet Explorer. Windows DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model). , ActiveX- .
ActiveX Development Kit . ActiveX-, "" Web-, - . , Web .
ActiveX , Web. Internet Explorer, , , Windows - . ( Microsoft, ActiveX Macintosh UNIX.) ActiveX, , , , Netscape, Navigator . , ActiveX Internet .
, ActiveX . ActiveX VBScript , Java. , Java , ActiveX . Java Web, , . ActiveX .
, Microsoft ActiveX , , , , . - .
![]() | 10.11.2021 - 12:37: - Personalias -> WHO IS WHO - - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:36: - Conscience -> . ? - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:36: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> ... - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:35: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> . - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> , - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:18: - New Technologies -> , 5G- - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:18: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:16: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:15: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:13: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _. |
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