, C++, Microsoft Visual Basic Java, . Microsoft Visual C++ . Visual C++ . , Visual C++. Visual C++ ( Disassembly, ). , , . , . 6 Disassembly, , Visual C++.
, Visual C++, MSDN Microsoft Visual Studio. . MSDN : "m Page: Debugger" ( : ) .
Visual C++ ( Win32 Debug Win32 Unicode Debug) : , , , Insert/Remove Breakpoint .
Buid BuildMiniBar Visual C++.
1 () . , .
. "" , , , , , , . . , , , . . , , , . (location breakpoint) : 99,46 .
, . , for, 10 000 , ? -, ( 10 000 Go), -, . , 9 999 .
(location breakpoint). , Microsoft Visual . .
. .
, . . , , . , :
, , , , .
. , Breakpoints . , . 5-1 ( " " ) AdvancedBP, . -, Visual Studio .
. (), , ( ), , Windows-, . (scope) . .
( ) , :
{[], [ ], [ ]}
.. . . .
, . . , , Breakpoints. , , 20 TEST.CPP, Breakpoints :
. Breakpoints Breakpoints, Edit|Breakpoints. .
. : CheckMyMem A.DLL B.DLL . , DLL. .DLL . checkMyMem ( {,CHECKMYMEM.CPP, } .27), DLL, , .DLL. , B.DLL, : {, CHECKMYMEM.CPP, .DLL}.27. Break At Location Breakpoints ( Edit|Breakpoints <Alt>+ +<F9>) Visual C++; Advanced Breakpoint, . 5.1. Break at ( Breakpoints), . Advanced Context Advanced Breakpoint .
, () , , Windows-, . -- , ( ). . , ( ), Break at Breakpoints. , AdvancedBP. (mainCRTStartup) 0x401210 , . , .
. 5.1. Advanced Breakpoint
, Visual C++ . , , Break at. , . , , . ++- . , coiaiog MFC, coialog: :0nOk.
, (overloaded) , . , MFC- Break at cstring: :cstring , , , cstring Symbols Resolve Ambiguity, . 5.2. ( ) cstring, .
. 5.2. Resolve Ambiguity
, operator- , , Resolve Ambiguity. , MFC- cstring , Resolve Ambiguity, Break at cstring: :operator= (operator- cstring). , Break at ( ). , CString: :operator= CString: :operator=(const char *) Resolve Ambiguity.
. , DLL, . , , . , : , DLL. , DLL- Microsoft Windows 2000. "--" ( 4) , Windows 98, 2 . Windows 2000, COFF (. 4) . , IDE Visual C++, , Debug Options ( Tools|Options) Load COFF & Exports.
, DLL, LoadLibrary KERNEL32.DLL. , , , {,,KERNEL32.DLL} . Visual C++ , . , (PDB), , , 1, COFF/DBG-, (public) 2. COFF/DBG- , . , DLL, Debug Output. Output "Loaded symbols for 'DLL name" ( ' DLL'), DLL. , "Loaded 'DLL name, no matching symbolic information found" ( ' DLL', ) "Loaded exports for 'DLL name " ( ' DLL"), .
, , Windows 2000 . , (public) . , , , , Disassembly. , , (Service Pack) . Windows 2000 - Customer Support Diagnostics ( ). Visual Studio Windows NT 4 Windows NT Symbols Setup, .
. .
. .
Output Microsoft Visual C++ VievjOutput <Alt>+<2>. - .
DUMPBIN KERNEL32.DLL, LoadLibrary, LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryw. : ANSI (American National Standards Institute), a w wide ( Unicode). Windows 2000 Unicode . UNICODE, LoadLibraryw, , LoadLibraryA. LoadLibraryA , ANSI- Unicode LoadLibraryw, LoadLibraryw. , , . , . , LoadLibrary : (,,KERNEL32.DLL}LoadLibraryA, : {,,KERNEL32.DLL)LoadLibraryw.
Windows 2000, Unicode. . ( 1997 ) "Under the Hood" Microsoft Systems Journal , ANSI- . , Unicode .
, , . . 6. LoadLibrary WINBASE.H , :
_declspec (dllimport)
LPCSTR IpLibFileName
WINBASEAPI _stdcall, , , API-. "@", , . , : , . CPU Intel Pentium 4. LoadLibrary, , : _LoadLibraryA@4. , , :
, "@#" ( , TISAIIOC maiito:_TlsAiioc@o). , ANSI- Unicode- . , LoadLibrary : {, ,KERNEL32.DLL}_LoadLibraryA@4, : {,, KERNEL32. DLL}_LoadLibraryW@4.
, (location) . , , , "" . "" : , .
(Tll) (skip count). , , (. . ) . .
. Breakpoints. Breakpoints, Condition. Breakpoint Condition .
, , , , . , , , , - . , . , Breakpoints , Breakpoints1. ( ). Breakpoints, . 5.3, . , , . , , . .
. 5.3.
. , , , true. , . , Tll.
Breakpoints .
, Breakpoints, Condition ( Enter the expression to be evaluated) Breakpoint Condition. :
"", , . .
. , , . , Visual C++ , Windows 2000, @TI= TIB, . , @IB Watch , . , , Threads . , , @1 , Ox7FFDEOOO, : @TIB == Ox7FFDEOOO. Windows 98 FS, , @FS == (thread specific value).
, (last error code), @ERR. , API-, , Platform SDK, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, : @ERR==2. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND WINERROR.H. . 5.1.
, - , () .
TIB Thread Information Block, . .
, , , :
(szBuff[0] = '')-&& (szBuff [l] = 'a'j&& (SzBuff [2] == 'm').
: . , n- true ( ).
5.1. Watch
©ERR |
; API- GetLastError |
©TIB |
; , FS:0 |
©CLK |
; Watch |
@, @, ©, @EDX, ©ESI, ©EDI, ©EIP, ©ESP, ©EBP, ©EFL |
Intel CPU |
@CS, @DS, @ES, @SS, @FS, ©GS |
Intel CPU |
©STO, ©ST1, @ST2, ©ST3, ©ST4, ©ST5, ©ST6, ©ST7 |
Intel CPU |
. , . , , (. . ). , , , , , . . , .
, Breakpoint Condition . - , (Enter the expression to be evaluated), , . Breakpoint Condition ( Enter the number of elements to watch in an array or structure) , . , , , , *pMyData, .
, , , Edit|Breakpoints, Breakpoints Break at Location ( ""), (, .47), Condition ( Break at). .
Enter the expression to be evaluated pMyData ( ), , , . .
(location breakpoints) . ( ): (expression breakpoints), (variable breakpoints) Windows- (Windows message breakpoints). , , (scope) . , . latel CPU CPU.
1, 2 4 . , , , , , . , . , .
, ( Enter the expression to be evaluated Data Breakpoints) . AdvancedBP, 5-1, , , " g_szGiobai "G". g_szciobai ( 0x00404594) ( Enter the expression to be evaluated Data Breakpoints) :
Mchar*) Ox00404594='G'
WO (0x00404594) =='G'
, , . .
/*00*/ ttinclude <windows.h>
/*004*/ void LocBPFunc ( void)
/*005*/ { // {,AdvancedBP.cpp,}.6
/*006V printf ( "Hello from LocBPFuncW) ;
/*007*/ }
/*008*/ void SkipLocBPFunc ( void)
/*009*/ { // {,AdvancedBP.cpp,}.12 skip 99 times(s)
/*010*/ for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
/*011*/ {
/*012*/ printf ( "SkipLocBPFunc iteration = %d\n", i);
/*013*/ }
/*014*/ }
/*015*/ void ExprTrueLocBP ( void)
/*016*/ { // {,AdvancedBP.cpp, } .20 when 'j=8'
/*017*/ int j = 0;
/*018*/ for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
/*019*/ {
/*020*/ j = i * 2;
/*021*/ }
/*022*/ }
/*023*/ void DataChangeLocBP ( void)
/*024*/.{ // {,AdvancedBP.cpp,}.26 szBuff[5](length:1)
/*025*/ char szBuff[ 10 ];
/*026*/ strcpy ( szBuff, "String!");
/*027*/ }
/*028*/ char g_szGlobal[ 10 ];
/*029*/ int g_ilnt = 0;
/*030*/ void main ( void)
/*031*/ { // 0x401210 -> - jmainCRTStartup
/*032*/ LocBPFunc ();
/*0*/ SkipLocBPFunc ();
/*034*/ ExprTrueLocBP ();
/*035*/ DataChangeLocBP ();
/*037*/ //{,,KERNEL32.DLL}_LoadLibraryA@4 <-
/*038*/ //{,,KERNEL32.DLL}LoadLibrary <-
/*039*/ LoadLibrary ( "KERNEL32.DLL");
/*041*/ // (char)Ox00404594=='G' <- .
/*042*/ strcpy ( g_szGlobal, "Global!");
/*044*/ // (long)4045 <- .
/*045*/ g_ilnt = 0x42;
/*047*/ printf ( "Done!\n");
. 5.4 Edit|Breakpoints, Breakpoints, AdvancedBP . : , ( ).
, , , 1. , . , AdvancedBP *(char*)Ox00404594=='G' , , ( "G"). long, .. "* (long*) (0x00404594) " (. 044). , . , long ( Enter the number of elements to watch in an array or structure Data Breakpoints) 1. , (DWORD), - , , .
. 5.4. AdvancedBP /
, , . , , .
, (wild writes). 2, , , .
, , , Edit|Breakpoints, Breakpoints Break at Location ( ""), (, .47), Condition ( Break at). .
Enter the expression to be evaluated pMyData ( ), , , . .
. , . . , (. . ), . , , ( ) .
Windows- (Windows message breakpoints) , Windows-. Messages Breakpoints (. 5.5). , SDK1 , , , Break at WndProc . :
1. Break at WndProc .
2. Set one breakpoint for each message to watch , .
3. .
Set one breakpoint for each message to watch , .
Windows- ++-, MFC, Windows-. MFC: {, ,MFC42D.DLL}AfxWndProc, . . Windows-, ( cwnd), AfxWndProc .
1 SDK (Software Development Kit) . .
, , MFC- cwnd: :WindowProc. this-- , WINUSER.H Windows-, . cwnd: :WindowProc. Visual C++ 6.0 Service Pack 3, WM_PAINT , :
{,WINCORE.CPP,}.1584 when (this=Ox0012FE74)&&(message==OxF)
. 5.5. Messages Windows-
"this. ..&&.. .message" , this, , , . , ( Class Wizard) ( ) .
. AdvancedBP , Windows-. ( Breakpoints). . , , !
(IDE) Visual C++, . IDE, , :
One or more breakpoints are not positioned on valid lines. These breakpoints have been moved to the next valid line.
( . ).
, - , , , ( ).
, :
One or more breakpoints cannot be set and have been disabled. Execution will stop at the beginning of the program.
( . .)
, , Breakpoints . - .
DLL . . DLL, API- LoadLibrary. DLL- () , . , DLL DLL ( DLL). Project Settings Debug Additional DLLs Category. Modules DLL, - .
, . , , , .
Project|Settings Microsoft Visual C++. .
, , Visual C++ . , () , () , TCP/IP1. Visual C++ , () . , ( GUI-):
( ). Windows- WM_SETFOCUS , . GUI- , , , ! , , .
, . , , . , , Microsoft DirectX2, .
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ( / ). .
DirectX . Windows . .
. GUI- . Visual C++, , . . . , .
, : , Windows 98. , . , Visual C++ Windows 2000, Windows 2000 , , a Windows 98 , .
, : , , , , DLL. IDE Visual C++ DLL, . , , .
Visual Studio. MSDN "Debugging Remote Applications" ( ).
, . , , , . . 5.2.
5.2. , , Visual C++
Visual C++ |
<VS Common>\MSDEV98\BIN |
%SYSTEMROOT%\System32 |
PSAPI.DLL ( Windows 2000) |
%SYSTEMROOT%\System32 |
, -, , , , , . , (shared) , . : , ; . -, , , . - , . . -, , , , ( ).
MSVCMON.EXE , . Settings, , , . . MSVCMON.EXE - . MSVCMON.EXE, , . () Remote Executable Path and File Name Debug Project Settings. , . MSVCMON.EXE, , .
Go, , , , . , DLL ( , - ). DLL, . , DLL, , - . , - , , - . , .
, , pcAnywhere Symantec, , . , . , , . , , !
, , . -, , IDE Visual C++ . , , , . -, , , TCP/IP, . WinDBG, , - .
, .
, , . , Disassembly, , Call Stack (. . )? , Call Stack . Call Stack , , Insert/Remove Breakpoint ( , ).
, . Disable Breakpoint, Breakpoints Breakpoints . , , , . , , , . | .
Step Into, , , . Resolve Ambiguity , .
Watch Visual C++. Watch . - , . , " , . . Watch , , , Watch.
Watch, , . 5.3 5.4, Visual C++ MSDN. . - hr. Watch @,hr, - (@ Intel CPU, ). .
5.3. Watch
d, i |
(int)OxFOOOF065,d |
-268373915 |
u |
0x0065, u |
101 |
OxF065,o |
0170145 |
, X |
61541, X |
OxOOOOF065 |
1 , h |
long short d, i, u, , , X |
0x00406042, hx |
OxOc22 |
£ |
3./2.,f |
1.500000 |
3./2, |
1.500000e+000 |
g |
, , |
3./2,g |
1.5 |
0x0065, |
'e1 |
s |
szHiWorld, s |
"Hello world" |
su |
Unicode |
szWHiWorld, su |
"Hello world" |
st |
hr |
0x00000000, hr |
S_OK |
we |
. Windows |
0x00000040, we |
Visual C++ 6) |
wm |
Windows- |
0x0010, wm |
5.4. Watch
m |
64 ASCII |
Ox0012ffac,ma |
0x001 2ffac .4.0.".OW&. .1W&.0.:W.1 .."1.JO&.12.
."1..0y.1 |
m |
16 (-), 16 ASCII |
Ox0012ffac,m |
0x001 2ffac
34 cb 00 84 30 94 80 ff
22 8 30 57 26 00
00 .4...0...".OW&.. |
rob |
16 (-), 16 ASCII |
Ox0012ffac,mb |
0x001 2ffac 34 cb 00 84
30 94 80 ff 22 8a 30 57
26 00 00 A..O...".OW&.. |
mw |
8 |
Ox0012ffac,mw |
0x001 2ffac 34b3 OOcb
3084 8094 22ff 308a 2657 0000 |
md |
4 |
Ox0012ffac,md |
0x001 2ffac 34 80943084 308a22ff 00002657 |
mq |
4 |
Ox0012ffac,mq |
0x001 2ffac 8094308400cb34b3 00002657308a22ff |
mu |
2- (Unicode) |
Ox0012ffac,mu |
0x001 2ffac
34 OOcb 3084 8094 22ff 308a 2657 0000 7 99797 |
# |
( ). ( ) |
pCharArray, 10 |
10 ( + /-) |
, . 10 (long int), Watch . , , . . , (pLong, 10) 10 . , , , . , (pBigArray+100) ,20 Watch 20 99. : 0, . pBigArray , .0, 100- , 101- . .
, Watch . , , BY, WO DW. (&) (*). . Watch , , " " . , , Watch, QuickWatch.
, Watch , . , , . Watch if . Watch , . , . , Watch. - Watch , . Watch.
Watch . @CLK. , @CLK . , . , ( Watch) @CLK: "@CLK" "@CLK=0". ( 0) , . , , @CLK @CLK/1000,d. ,d , , Watch (Hexadecimal Display). @CLK , .
: Watch . : " ?" , . , 10 ( ), , , Watch, (, ).
, , Watch. , , Watch, . Watch , -, . Watch Immediate IDE Microsoft Visual Basic.
, , Visual C++, , . , void MyMemCheck (), Watch MyMemCheck (). , , 1. , Watch.
Watch . , . : Watch, . , Watch, . ( ), . : 20 ; , . : . , OutputDebugstring printf. , , API- Windows.
. .
, , Watch . :
: , Watch. . , . , , , , , . , , , , , , , Watch, . , - . Watch , , .
Visual C++ , , Watch, , QuickWatch DataTips. , , , cobject RECT, Watch. , , Watch . AUTOEXP.DAT Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin. .
PROCESS_INFORMATION, API- createProcess. , Visual C++ . PROCESS_INFORMATION Watch, Properties . Program Variable Properties () _PROCESS_INFORMATION, , , , .
typedef struct _PROCESS_INFORMATION {
HANDLE hProcess;
HANDLE hThread;
DWORD dwProcessId;
DWORD dwThreadld;
= []<[,]>....
. 5.5 . , .
. , "<*>", |
. , , |
, Watch. (, , ). |
-. , , . 5.3 |
_PROCESS_INFORMATION=hProcess=<hProcess,> hThread=<hThread,X>
, , .
AUTOEXP.DAT <,t>. ( ) . , , , , . <, t> .
Set Next Statement. , Disassembly ( ), , . Set Next Statement (), . . . EIP. , .
, , . , Set Next Statement . Set Next Statement Disassembly. , . , , Set Next Statement. 6 .
, , . , (step over). , Set Next Statement, , , , . , . , , , , . Set Next Statement , .
, Set Next Statement . , , . , if- , , . , , Set Next Statement, , . Set Next Statement, (one-shot) Run To Cursor, Debug. Run To Cursor. Set Next Statement ( ). . , Set Next Statement ( , ). Set Next Statement , .
Visual Basic - ( ). Visual Basic , -, , Visual Basic, . , . Visual C++, , SmartCheck Compuware NuMega, Visual Basic. SmartCheck , Visual Basic , , Visual C++. SmartCheck Visual , , . , Outputoebugstring. Visual Basic . , , . 6 .
Visual Basic , ( ) PDB-. Compile Project Properties. No Optimizations. , .
Variables Visual C++, Locals. Visual Basic , unnamed_vari. , .
Visual Basic, , "Floating-point inexact result" ( ). , , . , , Visual Basic (SEH). , EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT, , .
, , ActiveX, Visual Basic Visual C++. ActiveX - . - .
Visual C++ , . : , , . , , .
, , . , . , , : , . , . , . , - . , .
, . , , , , , , Windows 98 .
, Visual C++. Watch . , Watch , . Watch . , . , , .
![]() | 10.11.2021 - 12:37: - Personalias -> WHO IS WHO - - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:36: - Conscience -> . ? - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:36: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> ... - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:35: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> . - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> , - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:18: - New Technologies -> , 5G- - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:18: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:16: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:15: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:13: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _. |
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