General information -
Advantages of product - ResultsGeneral information
Presented software contains most full and most fresh world catalogue of earthquakes, including nearly 400 000 earthquakes during the last 2000 years. The catalogue can be updated from many different Internet sources.
The following parameters of earthquakes are in the database:
- the date and time of origin;
- the geographical coordinates of epicentre;
- the depth of origin;
- network and local magnitudes: mb, MS, MLH, ML, MD, MN, MW;
- logarithm of of earthquake energy (Rautian's class KR);
- the categorization of region by Flinn - Engdahl;
- the seismic moment;
- the length of breakup;
- the humanitarian consequences of the earthquake;
- the type of earthquake (tectonic, volcanic, explosion, etc.);
- diastrophism;
- presence of other phenomenas and accompanying waves.
Also, it is possible to write the name for any earthquake, for instance: KEMIN, SUSAMYR, KANTO, and ASCII-text commentary of any size.
It is possible to view and sort the database by ten parameters: date, time of day, latitude, longitude, depth, mb, MS, MW, KR, Flinn-Engdahl region.
Time of arriving P-waves, S-waves and epicentral distance for any chosen station are shown when the parameters of the earthquake is displayed.
Catalogue can quickly be updated from 11 sources in 9 countries on the Internet:
- EMSC - European-Mediterranian Seismological Centre, Italy;
- Kandilli observatory, Turkey;
- Canadian centre of Seismic Activity;
- Chinese Seismological Bureau;
- US Geological Survey;
- The Peruan National Seismological Centre;
- Data Centre of IRIS consortium;
- Seismological Laboratory in Grenoble, France;
- Central experienced-methodical expedition, Obninsk, Russia;
- The National Data Center of Earthquakes, USA;
- Seismic array NORSAR, Norway.
When database is updating a program, it uses the knowledge-based algorithm, allowing minimum duplication of records and taking into account the reliability of the data source.
The Software allows the following types of data processing:
- it helps to identify the wave phases of earthquakes, registered global and regional networks, information which is already on the Internet that vastly relieves and accelerates seismograms processing;
- it helps to analyse the dynamics of seismic activity by building frequency rows (time histograms) of earthquakes of any area of the Earth, revealling seismic gaps, often being precursors of strong earthquakes;
- allows the building of histograms of the earthquakes distribution on Rautian's classes, that can be useful, for instance, for determination of sloping factor to Gutenberg-Richter, changing before a strong earthquake;
- allows to create a sample of earthquakes of any area of the Earth to different deskside (the circle, ring, latitude-longitude sector, Flinn-Engdahl's region) for any period;
- allows the building of seismisity maps of any area for any time period, revealing seismic gaps of first and second kinds and to evaluate the energy of future earthquakes;
- allows import, export, merging together database files, creating regional catalogues, temporary catalogues for studies of certaine areas, generalised catalogues from the bases, created on different computers.
The software gives all samples, tables and graphs in standard MS Excel spreadsheets, that allows the user/seismologist modification of all calculations and graphic buildings necessary in the process of research without a programmer.
© Copyright - Karim Khaidarov, Bourabai Research, 2000
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