Intrinsic Defines
Preprocessor symbols defined by the compiler.


Intrinsic defines are set by the compiler and may be used as any other defined symbol. Intrinsic defines often convey information about the state of the compiler, either in general or at a specific point in the compilation process. Most intrinsic defines are associated with a value.

Platform Information
Defines that provide information on the system.
Version Information
Defines that provide information on the fbc compiler version being used.
Command-line switches
Defines that provide information with the command-line switches used with fbc.
Environment Information
Defines that provide information about the operating system environment.
Context-specific Information
Defines that provide context information about the compilation process.

Platform Information
Defined if compiling for Windows.
Defined if compiling for Linux.
Defined if compiling for DOS.
Defined if compiling for Cygwin.
Defined if compiling for FreeBSD.
Defined if compiling for NetBSD.
Defined if compiling for OpenBSD.
Defined if compiling for Darwin.
Defined if compiling for Xbox.
Defined if compiling on a system using big-endian byte-order.
Defined if compiling for a common PC OS (e.g. DOS, Windows, OS/2).
Defined if compiling for a Unix-like OS.

Version Information
Defined as a string literal of the compiler version.
Defined as an integral literal of the compiler major version number.
Defined as an integral literal of the compiler minor version number.
Defined as an integral literal of the compiler patch number.
Macro to check for a minimum compiler version.
Defined as a string literal of the compiler build date.
Defined as a string literal of the compiler signature.

Command-line switches
Defined to either "gas" or "gcc" depending on -gen.
True (-1) if -gen gcc is used, false (0) otherwise.
Defined if compiling a module with an entry point.
True (-1) if the "-g" switch was used, false (0) otherwise.
Zero (0) if neither the "-e", "-ex" or "-exx" switches were used.
Defined as "fast" if compiling for fast SSE math, "precise" otherwise.
Defined as "sse" if compiling for SSE floating point unit, or "x87" for normal x87 floating-point unit.
Defined to a string literal of the "-lang" dialect used.
True (-1) if the "-mt" switch was used, false (0) otherwise.
True (-1) in a module being compiled and linked into a shared library, false (0) otherwise.
True (-1) in a module being compiled and linked into an executable, false (0) otherwise.
True (-1) in a module being compiled and linked into a static library, zero (0) otherwise.
True (-1) in a module being compiled only, zero (0) otherwise.
Defined if compiling for SSE floating point unit.
Defined as the level of automatic vectorization (0 to 2)
Environment Information
Defined as an integer literal of the number of command-line arguments passed to the program.
Defined as a ZString Ptr Ptr to the command line arguments passed to the program.
Defined as a string literal of the compilation date.
Defined as a string literal of the compilation time.
Defined as a string literal of the absolute path of the module.

Context-specific Information
__FILE__ and __FILE_NQ__
Defined as the name of the module.
Defined as the name of the procedure where it's used.
Defined as an integer literal of the line of the module where it's used.
True (-1) if parameters are declared by value by default, zero (0) otherwise.
True (-1) if all arrays are variable-length, zero (0) otherwise.
True (-1) if string literals are processed for escape sequences, zero (0) otherwise.
True (-1) if gosub support is enabled, zero (0) otherwise.
True (-1) if variables and objects need to be explicitly declared, zero (0) otherwise.
True (-1) if all procedures are private by default, zero (0) otherwise.

Знаете ли Вы, что "тёмная материя" - такая же фикция, как черная кошка в темной комнате. Это не физическая реальность, но фокус, подмена.
Реально идет речь о том, что релятивистские формулы не соответствуют астрономическим наблюдениям, давая на порядок и более меньшую массу и меньшую энергию. Отсюда сделан фокуснический вывод, что есть "темная материя" и "темная энергия", но не вывод, что релятивистские формулы не соответствуют реалиям. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.


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Bourabai Research - Технологии XXI века Bourabai Research Institution