File extension | Description |
.bas | FreeBASIC source file |
.a | Library |
.o | Object file |
.rc | Resource script (Windows only) |
.res | Compiled resource (Windows only) |
.xpm | X icon pixmap (Linux only) |
Source code -b < name > Code generationAdd a source file to compilation -i < name >Add a path to search for include files -include < name >Include a header file on each source compiled -d < name=val >Add a preprocessor's define -lang < name >Select language mode: fb, fblite, qb, deprecated -forcelang < name >Select language mode: fb, fblite, qb, deprecated (overides statements in code) -target < platform > CompilationSet the target platform for cross compilation -gen < backend >Sets the compiler backend (default is 'gas'). -arch < type >Set target architecture (default: 486) -O < level >Set the optimization level (-gen gcc). -vec < level >Set level of vector optimizations enabled by the compiler (default: 0) -fpu < type >Set the floating point arithmetics unit (default: FPU) -fpmode < type >Select between fast and accurate floating-point operations (default: PRECISE) -z < value >Sets miscellaneous or experimental options. -m < name > Main file without extension, the entry point (default is the first .bas file on the command line) -gAdd debug info -profileEnable function profiling -eAdd error checking -exAdd error checking with RESUME support -exxSame as -ex plus array bounds and null-pointer checking -Wa < opt >Pass options to GAS (separated by commas) -Wc < opt >Pass options to GCC (separated by commas) -o < name >Set object file path/name (must be passed after the .bas file) | Linking -a < name > BehaviourAdd an object file to linker's list -l < name >Add a library file to linker's list -p < name >Add a path to search for libraries -mtLink with thread-safe runtime library -nodeflibsDo not include the default libraries -map < name >Save the linking map to file name -Wl < opt >Pass options to LD (separated by commas) -exportExport symbols for dynamic linkage -libCreate a static library -dylibCreate a DLL, including the import library -dllCreate a DLL, including the import library. (Same as -dylib) -x < name >Set executable/library path/name -prefix < path > Target specificSet the compiler prefix path -versionShow compiler version on the command line, do not compile or link. -vBe verbose -ppEmit the preprocessed input file only, do not compile -rCompile into asm file(s) only, do not assemble or link -cCompile and assemble source file only, do not link -RDo not delete the asm file(s) -CDo not delete the object file(s) -w < value >Set min warning level: all, pedantic, next or a value -maxerr < val >Only stop parsing if <val> errors occurred -noerrlineDo not show source line where error occurred Meta |
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