Declares a namespace block
Namespace identifier [ Alias "aliasname" ]
End Namespace
The name of the namespace.
An alternate external name for the namespace.
Namespaces are commonly used in libraries where you don't want all the symbols from that library to crowd the user's space (called the Global Namespace).
For example, if you used the "Forms" library, it might define the Point type for describing an X and Y coordinate, and you might also define it for another purpose. This can be resolved by creating the namespace Forms for the library, and then referring to its Point type as Forms.Point, and yours as just Point.
To access duplicated symbols defined in the global namespace use:
.SomeSymbol (or
..SomeSymbol if inside a
With..End With block).
Namespace Forms
Type Point '' A 2D point
As Integer x
As Integer y
End Type
'' Since we are inside of the namespace, Point resolves to Forms.Point.
Sub AdjustPoint( ByRef pt As Point, ByVal newx As Integer, ByVal newy As Integer )
pt.x = newx
pt.y = newy
End Sub
End Namespace
Type Point '' A 3D point
As Integer x
As Integer y
As Integer z
End Type
Sub AdjustPoint( ByRef pt As Point, ByVal newx As Integer, ByVal newy As Integer, ByVal newz As Integer )
pt.x = newx
pt.y = newy
pt.z = newz
End Sub
Dim pt1 As Point
AdjustPoint( pt1, 1, 1, 1 )
Dim pt2 As Forms.Point
Forms.AdjustPoint( pt2, 1, 1 )
Dialect Differences
- Namespaces are not supported in the -lang qb dialect.
Differences from QB
See also