Operator -> (Pointer To Member Access)
Returns a reference to a member from a pointer to an object


Declare Operator -> ( ByRef lhs As T Pointer ) As U

Note that Operator -> (Pointer to member access) returns a reference. As of 02.27.07, FreeBASIC syntax does not support returning references. When it does, this syntax will need to be changed.


result = lhs -> rhs


The address of an object.
A pointer to a user-defined type.
The name of a member to access.
The type that rhs refers to.

Return Value

Returns a reference to the member specified by rhs.


Operator -> (Pointer to member access) returns a reference to a member of an object through a pointer to that object. It has the effect of dereferencing a pointer to an object, then using Operator . (Member Access). For example, "p->member" is equivalent to "x.member", if x is an object of user-defined type and p is a pointer to an object of the same type.

This operator can be overloaded for user-defined types.


Type rect
    x As Integer
    y As Integer
End Type

Dim r As rect
Dim rp As rect Pointer = @r

rp->x = 4
rp->y = 2

Print "x = " & rp->x & ", y = " & rp->y

Dialect Differences

  • Not available in the -lang qb dialect.

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also

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