Returns a random Double precision number in the range [0, 1)


Declare Function Rnd ( ByVal seed As Single = 1.0 ) As Double


result = Rnd( seed )


Optional Single argument. If seed has a value of zero, the last random number generated is repeated, for any other number a new random number is returned. With the QB-compatible algorithm, a negative number fully reseeds the generator. The default for no argument is to return a new random number.

Return Value

Returns the random number generated.


Returns a number of type Double in the range [0, 1) (i.e. 0 <= Rnd < 1), based on a random seed (see Randomize).

Rnd can use a variety of different algorithms - see Randomize for details of the default and selectable algorithms.

Rnd will return the same sequence of numbers every time a program is run. This sequence can be changed by reseeding the generator.


'' Function to a random number in the range [first, last), or {first <= x < last}.
Function rnd_range (first As Double, last As Double) As Double
    Function = Rnd * (last - first) + first
End Function

'' seed the random number generator, so the sequence is not the same each time

'' prints a random number in the range [0, 1), or {0 <= x < 1}.
Print Rnd

'' prints a random number in the range [0, 10), or  {0 <= x < 10}.
Print Rnd * 10

'' prints a random integral number in the range [1, 11), or  {1 <= x < 11}.
'' with integers, this is equivalent to [1, 10], or {1 <= n <= 10}.
Print Int(Rnd * 10) + 1

'' prints a random integral number in the range [69, 421), or {69 <= x < 421}.
'' this is equivalent to [69, 420], or {69 <= n <= 420}.
Print Int(rnd_range(69, 421))

Dialect Differences

The default algorithm used depends on the current dialect in use:
    • With the -lang fb dialect, a 32 bit Mersenne Twister function with a granularity of 32 bits is used.
    • With the -lang qb dialect, a function giving the same output as Rnd in QB is used. The granularity is 24 bits.
    • With the -lang deprecated and -lang fblite dialects, the function in the C runtime available in the system is used. The function available in Win32 has a granularity of 15 bits, and 32 bits in Linux and DOS.

Differences from QB

  • None, if compiled in the -lang qb dialect. Other dialects can also use the same seeding and generating algorithms by calling Randomize with the appropriate parameter.
  • For the non-QB-compatible algorithms, if the optional argument is less than 0, it has the same meaning as passing an argument of 1.

See also

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