Waits until a specified time has elapsed, or a key is pressed.


Declare Function Sleep Overload ( ByVal amount As Integer = -1 ) As Integer
Declare Function Sleep ( ByVal amount As Integer , ByVal keyflag As Integer ) As Integer


Sleep [ amount [, keyflag ]]


Optional number of milliseconds to wait (default is to wait for a key press).
Optional flag; give it a value of 1 to specify that the wait cannot be interrupted by a key press.


Sleep will wait until amount milliseconds (can be seconds in -lang qb, see below) given elapsed (if any value was passed) or until the user presses a key. If amount is below 100 ms then Sleep will always wait the full requested amount (key presses are ignored).

Include the second parameter, 1, for a "deep" sleep, which cannot be interrupted by pressing a key.

The accuracy of Sleep is variable depending on the OS cycle time (Windows NT/2K/XP: 15 ms, 9x/Me: 50 ms, Linux 10ms, DOS 55 ms).

Call Sleep with 25ms or less to release time-slice when waiting for user input or looping inside a thread. This will prevent the program from unnecessarily hogging the CPU.

Sleep does not clear the keyboard buffer and any keys pressed during a call to Sleep are retained and can be read using Inkey. In order to wait for a key press, and remove the key from the buffer, GetKey can be used instead.


Print "press a key"
GetKey 'clear the keyboard buffer
Print "waiting half second"
Sleep 500

Dialect Differences

  • In the -lang fb and -lang fblite dialects, the amount value is in milliseconds.
  • In the -lang qb dialect, the amount value is in seconds as in QB. If the second parameter keyflag is given, or the keyword is written as __Sleep the value is expected to be in milliseconds.

Differences from QB

  • None in the -lang qb dialect.
  • In QB, the delay was given in whole seconds only and did not support the keyflag parameter.

See also

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Знаете ли Вы, что в 1965 году два американца Пензиас (эмигрант из Германии) и Вильсон заявили, что они открыли излучение космоса. Через несколько лет им дали Нобелевскую премию, как-будто никто не знал работ Э. Регенера, измерившего температуру космического пространства с помощью запуска болометра в стратосферу в 1933 г.? Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.

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