Temporary Types
Creates a temporary copy of a user defined type


result = Type( initializers, ... )
result = Type<typename>( initializers, ... )


Initial values for the type
The name of the Type or Union

Return Value

A temporary copy of the type.


Used to create an anonymous and temporary type. If typename is not explicitly given, it will be inferred from its usage. Usage of the temporary copy may include assigning it to a variable, passing it as a parameter to a procedure, or returning it as a value from a procedure.

The Constructor for the type, if there is one, will be called when the temporary copy is created. And the Destructor for the type, if there is one, will be called immediately after its use.

It can also be used as an even shorter shortcut than With (see below) if you are changing all the records.


Type Example
    As Integer field1
    As Integer field2
End Type

Dim ex As Example

'' Filling the type by setting each field
ex.field1 = 1
ex.field2 = 2

'' Filling the type by setting each field using WITH
With ex
    .field1 = 1
    .field2 = 2
End With

'' Fill the variable's fields with a  temporary type
ex = Type( 1, 2 )

'' Passing a user-defined types to a procedure using a temporary type
'' where the type can be inferred.

Type S
  As Single x, y
End Type

Sub test ( v As S )
  Print "S", v.x, v.y
End Sub

test( Type( 1, 2 ) )

'' Passing a user-defined type to a procedure using temporary types
'' where the type is ambiguous and the name of the type must be specified.

Type S
  As Single x, y
End Type

Type T
  As Integer x, y
End Type

Union U
  As Integer x, y
End Union

'' Overloaded procedure test()
Sub test Overload ( v As S )
  Print "S", v.x, v.y
End Sub

Sub test ( v As T )
  Print "T", v.x, v.y
End Sub

Sub test ( v As U )
  Print "U", v.x, v.y
End Sub

'' Won't work: ambiguous
'' test( type( 1, 2 ) )

'' Specify name of type instead
test( Type<S>( 1, 2 ) )
test( Type<T>( 1, 2 ) )
test( Type<U>( 1 ) )

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also

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