Fixed-length Arrays
Fixed-size homogeneous data structures.


Fixed-length arrays are arrays that have a fixed constant size throughout the execution of a program. The memory used by a fixed-length array to store its elements is allocated at compile-time, either on the stack or in the .BSS or .DATA sections of the executable, depending on whether Static was used to define it. This may allow for quicker program execution since the memory for the array is already allocated, unlike variable-length arrays, whose element memory isn't allocated until runtime.

Fixed-length arrays with automatic storage, have their elements allocated on the program stack, and pointers to these elements remain valid only while the array is in scope. The elements of fixed-length arrays with static storage are allocated in the .DATA or .BSS sections of the executable, depending on whether or not they are initialized when defined, so pointers to these elements remain valid for the entire execution of the program. Fixed-length arrays of any storage class cannot be resized during program execution, only variable-length arrays can.

Declaration and definition

A fixed-length array is declared with the Extern keyword, followed by a variable identifier, a parenthesized list of one (1) or more subscript ranges and an element datatype. For an array to be declared fixed-length, either numerical literals, Const variables or Enum enumerators can be used as subscript range values.

Const maxLowerBound As Integer = -5
Const maxUpperBound As Integer = 10

'' Declares a two dimensional fixed-length array of elements of type STRING..
Extern arrayOfStrings(maxLowerBound To maxUpperBound, 20) As String

'' Declares a one-dimensional fixed-length array of elements of type BYTE,
'' big enough to hold an INTEGER..
Extern arrayOfBytes(SizeOf(Integer)) As Byte

A fixed-length array is defined with either the Static or Dim keywords, following the same form as declaration.

'' Defines a one-dimensional fixed-length array of type SHORT having static storage.
Static arrayOfShorts(420) As Short

'' Defines a one-dimensional fixed-length array of type INTEGER having automatic storage.
Dim arrayOfIntegers(69) As Integer

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