Member Access Rights
Restricting member access to certain parts of code.

Public members
Protected members
Private members
Constructors and destructors
Inherited members


All members of a Type or Class - including member data, procedures, constants, etc. - belong in one of three different classifications, each with its own rules dictating where in code they may be accessed, or referred to. These rules are called access rights. There are public, protected and private members, and they are declared in a Type or Class definition following a Public, Protected or Private label, respectively.

By default, that is, without an access classification label, members of a Type are public, and members of a Class are private.

Note: As of 02.26.07, inheritance has not been implemented yet. Thus, protected members are supported as a place-holder of sorts. When talking about member access rights, protected members are identical to private members for the time being.

Public members

Public members can be referred to from anywhere; they are accessible from, for example, member procedures or module-level code or procedures.

Protected members

Protected members can only be accessed from member procedures of the Type or Class they are declared in, or member procedures of a derived Type or Class. They are not accessible to outside code.

Private members

Private members can only be accessed from member procedures of the Type or Class they are declared in. They are not accessible to outside code or member procedures from a derived Type or Class.

Constructors and destructors

Constructors and destructors follow the same rules as any other member. When public, objects can be instantiated and destroyed from anywhere in code. When protected, objects can be instantiated and destroyed only from member procedures of their Type or Class or a derived Type or Class. Private constructors and destructors restrict object instantiation solely to member procedures of their Type or Class.

Inherited members


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Знаете ли Вы, что, как не тужатся релятивисты, CMB (космическое микроволновое излучение) - прямое доказательство существования эфира, системы абсолютного отсчета в космосе, и, следовательно, опровержение Пуанкаре-эйнштейновского релятивизма, утверждающего, что все ИСО равноправны, а эфира нет. Это фоновое излучение пространства имеет свою абсолютную систему отсчета, а значит никакого релятивизма быть не может. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.

НОВОСТИ ФОРУМАФорум Рыцари теории эфира
Рыцари теории эфира
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