© Copyright - Karim A. Khaidarov, December 30, 2008


Dedicated to the bright memory of my daughter Anastasia

? ипотеза about протопланетном a cloud and his(its) present rest(remainder) - cloud Оорта

"The Fact does not correspond(meet) to the theory? - The worse for the fact "

? льберт the Einstein

This myth is the modern form(shape) speculative гипотехы? ьера Симона of the Laplace about a source of an origin of a Solar system [2].

For formation of a planetary system for such short term, what is stipulated by this hypothesis (about 50 millions years) by, needs monstrous density of substance in протопланетном a cloud, more, than in 108 Time exceeding density of interstellar substance in the disk(disc)? алактики. Such density can not be reached in outside space in essence because of actuation of the gear of gas pressure and radial expiration(efflux) of substance from a cloud in outside space. Those imaginary examples, which as photos of ostensibly formed now planetary systems from a similar kind of clouds frequently are resulted in the publications, do not correspond(meet) to true. In presented snapshots density of interplanetary substance as the minimum in 100 times is less than density necessary on a hypothesis of the Laplace.

In what of a reason of survivance of this hypothesis?

On the one hand - in absence due logic and quantitative analysis of a problem by the ordinary by the contributor and acceptance of this hypothesis on a faith, and with another - constant, carefully organized propagation of this doctrine, how means of maintenance of a general myth - model splaying(dilating,expanding) installed of the Einstein - Фридмана and constituent of this myth - "? ольшого of Explosion ".

? еально, the planetary systems of the galactic disk(disc), to which the Solar system concerns also, are a yield of an aggregate of secondary interstellar substance - gas and dust scattered by explosions supernew on all volume? алактики. It is planetary systems of stars " the population I " (term Вальтера? ааде, 1944 [3]), which have appeared only after transformation? алактики from elliptical in spiral, also are by secondary systems formed in galactic conditions, close to modern, that is in conditions, when density of interstellar environment was comparable with modern. Their secondary nature is displayed by(with) identity of their химико-element structure to a structure interstellar газопылевой of a mix(mixture) - yield of explosions supernew.

Thus, the aggregate of these systems could not pass for such short terms and through such dense cloud, as Laplacian.

On the other hand, the modern hypothesis about a cloud Оорта, ostensibly ambient our system and being a source of comets, cosmic dust and all substance of an accretion in our system does not correspond(meet) to the observable facts.? режде everything, this is contradicted by(with) a transparency of ambient space. This myth contradicts also theory of steady motion in a celestial mechanics.? ипотетическое the cloud Оорта is in a zone of a blasting operation of the next stars and stars from time to time which are flying by by the Sun, and also blasting operation of circular motion of the Sun around of center? алактики.

? еальный the age of stars and their planets is seen from following simple calculation.

In? алактике about 100 billions stars of optical range.? ольшая the part from them finishes the life, blasting out supernew and transforming in scattering on all? алактике an interstellar mix(mixture) of dust and gas. On the average in? алактике there is 1 explosion supernew per one century. That рядовая a star? алактики has reached(achieved) the moment of explosion supernew to it(her) the time is required

T = 100   billions stars x 100 years / SN = of 10 billions years

It also is mean time of life of a star in optical range.

Time of life? алактики where it is more, as formations essential запыления of the disk(disc) observed at aged spiral galaxies, need a set of generations of stars.

The indicated age of stars corresponds(meets) to that velocity of an accretion, - unique(sole) source of weight of stars and planets, which can take place at typical and substantially observable density of interstellar substance.

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Знаете ли Вы, что такое "усталость света"?
Усталость света, анг. tired light - это явление потери энергии квантом электромагнитного излучения при прохождении космических расстояний, то же самое, что эффект красного смещения спектра далеких галактик, обнаруженный Эдвином Хабблом в 1926 г.
На самом деле кванты света, проходя миллиарды световых лет, отдают свою энергию эфиру, "пустому пространству", так как он является реальной физической средой - носителем электромагнитных колебаний с ненулевой вязкостью или трением, и, следовательно, колебания в этой среде должны затухать с расходом энергии на трение. Трение это чрезвычайно мало, а потому эффект "старения света" или "красное смещение Хаббла" обнаруживается лишь на межгалактических расстояниях.
Таким образом, свет далеких звезд не суммируется со светом ближних. Далекие звезды становятся красными, а совсем далекие уходят в радиодиапазон и перестают быть видимыми вообще. Это реально наблюдаемое явление астрономии глубокого космоса. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.

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