1931 - 15.07.1997

Bulgarian genius, physicist professor Stefan Marinov worked during his last years in Graz, Austria. He has discovered the phenomenon of two-componentness of magnetic field, that is the presence scalar component except of known vector magnetic field. On the basis of his theory he has constructed a series of the observational devices, among which the "Marinov's motor".

He has created a method of measuring of a absolute Earth's motion within aether. He has measured a velocity of this motion - 360 +-30 km/s. Professor Marinov has finally and completely denied Einstein's SRT by this experiment, having shown, that velocity of light summarized according to Galilean Law.

Having measured velocity of light in one direction professor Marinov has shown all falsity of SRT postulates.

For a long time, in 1970-1980-х years, Stefan Marinov carried out great series of various experiments on measuring the unidirectional velocity of light on the procedures essentially differing from idea of Michelson - Morley experiment. Results of experiments of St. Marinov with rotating disks testify in favour of the fact of a motion of the Earth in absolute Space (i.e. concerning the immobile aether) with velocity of the order of 360 km/s. The fundamental experiment of Prof. Marinov has carried out in 1979 in Bruxelles [1, 2].

The author's name of experiment - "coupled mirrors" experiment (experiment with the bound mirrors). It is necessary to recognize, that technically experiment is very difficult and demands of careful adjustment both mechanical, and optical systems of the equipment. The basic idea consists in recording change of velocity of passage of a ray of light on given distance between two synchronously rotating mirrors. During this experiment St. Marinov has discovered that the velocity of light measured along the chosen direction on a ground surface is various at various day time (so, - at different orientation concerning absolute Space).

By St. Marinov's opinion, "recently, more exactly, during last decades Einstein's postulate on a constancy of velocity of light along all directions in any inertial systems has got so inconvertible popularity, that for a greater part of physicists this problem has appeared closed, as, say, a problem of a perpetuum mobile. Nevertheless, till now the observational proof of this Einstein's postulate within the limits of the first order of precision concerning v/c is not present. Historical Michelson - Morley's experiment, providing inviolability of dogma about a constancy of velocity of light, gives, as is known, precision of the second order in v/c, but effects of the first order cannot be found out actually. Thus, the subzero effects of Michelson - Morley's experiment - cannot be treated as solving proof in favour of the concept of a constancy of velocity of light".

The found out anisotropy allows to define a direction conterminous with a direction of a motion of solar system concerning a Space microwave background radiation. Practically, each year physicists find more and more new acknowledgements to Marinov's discovery, for instance, in 2007 the anisotropy of velocity of light to background cosmic radiation (CMB) through Compton-effect was found out [10]

Stefan Marinov was the founder and director of Institute of Fundamental Physics in Graz (Austria).

St. Marinov leaved us prematurely. On July, 15th 1997 Professor Stefan Marinov was lost, being by one of version, thrown out by unknown persons from a window of Graz University library at centre of Graz [3, 4, 5], on another version, coordinated with local authorities - has committed suicide. The strange behaviour of police who has not informed Marinov's relatives on his death though all their coordinates were available for police [4]. His son, the deputy minister of the industry of Bulgaria M. Marinov was informed about death of his father from his friend only 2 weeks later when medical investigation of this accident became problematic already. The criminal have not found, and investigation have closed, as there was more than once in cases of attempts to life of inventors denied doctrines of the Einstein's theory.


  1. St. Marinov, Measurement of the Laboratory’s Absolute Velocity, General Relativity and Gravitation, vol. 12, No 1, 57-65, (1980)
  2. St. Marinov, Экспериментальные нарушения принципов относительности, эквивалентности и сохранения энергии. / Физическая мысль России , 1995. N2. C. 52-77.
  3. P.T. Pappas Update on Stefan's Marinov Death
  4. Sharov V. Экспертиза между Сциллой и Харибдой. // ИС. Промышленная собственность, N 6, 2002, с. 43-51.
  6. International Journal "Deutsche Physik", N21, 1997, edited by St. Marinov
  7. Galilean Electrodynamics - Stefan Marinov - Special Issue Spring 1999, p. 11.
  8. Whitney, Cynthia Kolb A Most Sobering Death - Galilean Electrodynamics, Vol. 8, no. 6, p. 102.
  9. Phipps, Thomas E., Jr. Marinov vs. Newton's Third Law - Galilean Electrodynamics, Vol. 10, no. 1, p. 20.
  10. Gurzadyan V.G. at al. On the Light Speed Anisotropy vs Cosmic Microwave Background Dipole: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Measurements, - WSPC - Proceedings Compton MG11-4, 2007

Знаете ли Вы, что, как ни тужатся релятивисты, CMB (космическое микроволновое излучение) - прямое доказательство существования эфира, системы абсолютного отсчета в космосе, и, следовательно, опровержение Пуанкаре-эйнштейновского релятивизма, утверждающего, что все ИСО равноправны, а эфира нет. Это фоновое излучение пространства имеет свою абсолютную систему отсчета, а значит никакого релятивизма быть не может. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.


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