3GL - .   4GL -     DB-

- Objective-C

C ( C Objective-C ). : - Smalltalk ( ), , (BOOL, YES NO), .

C++ . Objective-C runtime . , . (, ). . Objective C . . , .

objc_sendmsg(object, selector, arguments). , , . , :

[mycalendar ordinalityOfUnit:myunit inUnit:myunit2 forDate:mydate]

… “ordinalityOfUnit:inUnit:forDate:”. objc_sendmsg , 32- . , .

arguments varargs C.

fragile base class. , API . , Cocoa- NSController, . , API , . Apple API. , Camino Roxio Toast Titanium, . , , . , , id, .

Java, Objective C . , , .

id. id void , id, void. id. . . , NSController*, . , . , NSController NSController, . , ( runtime ), . Objective C ( objc_), , , .

Objective-C ( Ruby). , (), .


@””. NSString, char*, C.

#include Objective-C #import, .

(framework). , .framework. ( ) Headers, Resources, Frameworks. #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> Cocoa.framework/Headers/Cocoa.h .


, #if 0 ... #endif
, /* ... */
variable = value
type variable
type variable = value
{ ... }
< > <= >=
returntype f(type1 p1, type2 p2, ...)
f(a, b, ...)
- if (condition) ...
- - if (condition) ... else ... OR ( condition ? ... : ... )
while (1) ...
while (condition) ...
do ...while (!condition)
for - next 1 for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) ...
for - next 1 for (int i = 10; i >= 1; i--) ...


Objective-C 80-x Smalltalk. (, ), ( ). , Objective-C C. - : , Objective-C ( ), , Objective-C. , ++. 1988 NeXT ( Apple) Objective-C ( SDK). 1992 GNU OpenStep. GCC Objective-C. NeXT, Apple SDK (, , IDE) . IDE Xcode, GUI Interface Builder. Cocoa GUI ( ) Objective-C.


Objective-C .m ( ++ Objective-, .mm). .h. , Objective- . id, ( void *). nil. , id. : , id? isa, , NSObject ( NS NeXT Step). isa Class. , , , ( ). Objective-C, , @ ( @protocol, @selector, @interface). (@private, @protected) . Cocoa NSString. @Hello world, Hello world. BOOL ( unsigned char) YES NO. Objective-C ( objc/objc.h) :


- , , . . :

[receiver method];


[receiver method: 20.0 : 30.0];

. . -:

[receiver methodWithFirstArgument: 10 andSecondArgument: 20];


[receiver undefinedNumberParameters: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven];

, C, ( void) :

BOOL booleanValue;
booleanValue = [reveiver method];

nil . , , , , , , . , - :

if ([anObject respondsToSelector: @selector(myMethodWith2Argumets::)])
[anObject myMethodWith2Argumetns: @first : @second];

- :

id objc_msgSend(id receiver, SEL method, ...);

SEL, , char const *, int, .

isa receiver ( Foundation, Cocoa, NSObject, isa ), , method. , , id ( ) objc_msgSend(). , , . - , objc_msgSend() .

, :

[receiver ddObject: otherObject];


objc_msgSend(receiver, 12, otherObject);

12 addObject:. objc_msgSend() receiver , ( NSArray, 12), :

addObject(receiver, otherObject);

, addObject :

- (void)addObject: (id)otherObject;

. , - , , , , . . ("-"), . ( ) ( ), .. - . ( , ) self ( this ++), super. , _cmd . ++ Objective-C - virtual, .

(+), , , , self ( static- ++). isa , self, super , , .
, :

-|+ (<  >) 
[ : (<  >)
[ [] : (<  >)]


+ (Class)class;
+ (id)alloc;
- (id)init;
- (void)addObject: (id)anObject;
+ (NSString *)stringWithCString: (const char*)aCString usingUncoding: (enum NSStringEncoding)encoding;
- (NSString *)initStringWithFormat: (NSString *)format, ;

( id) ( Class), :

[myLabel setText: [[NSString stringWithString: @Hello] stringByAppendingString: @ world]];

UILabel UIKit text @Hello world. , , @Hello @ world. stringWithString NSString - @Hello. NSString, -. stringByAppendingString @ world. NSString, - . setText: myLabel.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> // NSObject   NSString

@interface Complex : NSObject
double _re; //   
double _im; //   
NSString *_format; //    description
- (id)initWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im; // 
+ (Complex *)complexWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im; //     
- (Complex *)add: (Complex *)other; //  
- (Complex *)sub: (Complex *)other; //  
- (NSString *)format; //   _format
- (void)setFormat: (NSString *)format; //  _format
- (double)re; //       
- (void)setRe: (double)re;
- (double)im;
- (void)setIm: (double)im;

, @interface @end. ( ). . description . , , dealloc init, . Complex description , , , , , . init, description dealloc .

, , c : 1) ( alloc) 2) ( ).

MyClass *myObject = [[MyClass alloc] init];  //  MyClass alloc          ,   init    myObject


NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; //  
MyClass *myObject = [[MyClass alloc] init]; // 
[myObject myMethod]; //  
[array addObject: myObject]; //   
MyClass *otherObject = [array getLastObject:]; //   ,     
[otherObject myOtherMethod: YES]; //       BOOL

( ) . , . :

+ (NSString *)stringWithCString: (char const *)string encoding: (NSStringEncoding)encoding;

, , alloc init:

NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithCString: Bla-bla-bla encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];

, , , (, , ) . Objective-C . , , . , , , . alloc, . retain, release. NSObject, . , NSString ( @I am a string) -1, . :

id anObject = [SomeClass alloc]; //  == 1
[anObject init]; //   
[anObject reatin]; //   (  == 2)
[anObject release]; // (  == 1     )
[anObject release]; // ,   1         

init . . , id init, init. :

- (id)init
self = [super init]; //    
if (self) //       
//    ,      nil
return self; //   

( ) :

- (id)initWithInt: (int)number
if (self = [super init])
_myMember1 = [[SomeClass alloc] init]; //  :  ,   
_myMember2 = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
_myIntMember = number; //    
return self;

release retain NSObject , , :

- (void)retain
[_internalLock lock]; //  
_referenceCounter++; //  _referenceCounter    
[_internalLock unlock];
- (void)release
[_internalLock lock];
_referenceCounter--; // 
if (!_referenceCounter) //   
[_internalLock unlock];
[self dealloc]; // ,    (  )
[_internalLock unlock];

dealloc, , , , . , dealloc NSObject , . dealloc - :

- (void)dealloc
[_myMember1 release]; //    
[_myMember2 release]; //    
//[_myIntMember release];   , ..          
[super dealloc]; //c   ,    

. , . , , , , , set:

- (void)setRe: (double)re
_re = re;

_re , . , . :

[label setText: @Hello world]; //  text
// label     NSString *

//  setText   UILabel ( 1)
- (void)setText: (NSString *)text
[text retain]; //     
[_text release]; //       _text
_text = text; //   

//  setText   UILabel ( 2)
- (void)setText: (NSString *)text
if (_text != text) //c   
[_text release]; //    
//  _text
_text = [text retain]; //  

//  setText   UILabel ( 3  )
- (void)setText: (NSString *)text
if (_text != text)
[_text autorelease]; // e  
// _text   
_text = [text retain]; //  

3 , , (. ).

- (NSString *)text
return _text;


-(NSString *)sayHelloToName: (NSString *)name withSurname: (NSString *)surname 
NSString *retString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @%@ %@!, name, surname]; //     
return retString;

. id, %@. , , id? , description . NSObject. NSString . , . , double:

- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @re: %lf im: %lf, _re, _im]; //  @re: 1.0 im: 2.5  _re == 1.0  _im == 2.5

sayHelloToName:withSurname: , , release. , , , . , . NSAutoreleasePool .

, , autorelease. ( ) . release, , ( , ). . , , . , . , , , () .

, Cocoa, NSAutoreleasePool ( ), ( ). main(), Objective-C, Cocoa :

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //    main()
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // ,    
int retVal;
[pool drain]; //    ,     autorelease
return retVal;

sayHelloToName:withSurname: :

-(NSString *)sayHelloToName: (NSString *)name withSurname: (NSString *)surname 
NSString *retString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @%@ %@!, name, surname]; //     
[retString autorelease]; //  ,  retString    
return retString;

, drain release , , , . , Mac OS 10.4 , iOS .

Complex.m Complex:

#import Complex.h

@implementation Complex
- (id)init
return [self initWithRe: 0.0 andIm: 0.0];
- (id)initWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im
if (self = [super init])
_re = re;
_im = im;
_format = @re: %.1lf im: %.1lf; //   
+ (Complex *)complexWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im
return [[[Complex alloc] initWithRe: re andIm: im] autorelease];
- (Complex *)add: (Complex *)other
return [[Complex alloc] initWithRe: _re + other->_re andIm: _im + other->_im];
- (Complex *)sub: (Complex *)other
return [[Complex alloc] initWithRe: _re  other->_re andIm: _im  other->_im];
- (NSString *)format
return _format;
- (void)setFormat: (NSString *)format
{//    -
[format retain];
[_format release];
_format = format;
- (double)re
return _re;
- (void)setRe: (double)re
_re = re;
- (double)im
return _im;
- (void)setIm: (double)im
_im = im;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat: _format, _re, _im]; 
- (void)dealloc
[_format release]; //    dealloc
[super dealloc];

. complexWithRe:andIm: Complex, . description, NSString. , Complex:

#import Complex.h
#import <stdio.h>  // printf()

int main()
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Complex *num1 = [[Complex alloc] init]; //0.0+0.0*i
Complex *num2 = [[Complex alloc] initWithRe: 1.5 andIm: -2];
Complex *num3 = [Complex complexWithRe: 5 andIm: 7];
printf(%s\n, [[num2 description] cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]); //> re: 1.5 im: -2.0
printf(%s\n, [[[num2 add: num3] description] cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]); //> re: 6.5 im: 5.0
[num1 setRe: [num2 re]]; // _re  num1   num2
[num1 setIm: [num3 im]]; // _im  num1   num3
[num1 setFormat: @%.2lf+%.2lf*i]; //    num1
printf(%s\n, [[num1 description] cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]); //> 1.50+7.00*i
[num1 release];
[num2 release];
//[num3 release];  , ..     
[pool drain];
return 0;

(, , ) \ :

// CategorizedComplex.h

#import Complex.h
@interfce Complex (CategorizedComplex)
- (Complex *)mul: (Complex *)other;
- (Complex *)div: (Complex *)other;

// CategorizedComplex.m
#import CategorizedComplex.h

@implementation Complex (CategorizedComplex)
- (Complex *)mul: (Complex *)other
return [Complex complexWithRe: _re * other->_re - _im * other->_im andIm: _re * other->_im + _im * other->_re];
- (Complex *)div: (Complex *)other
double retRe, retIm, denominator;
denominator = other->_re * other->_re + other->_im * other->_im;
if (!denominator)
return nil;
retRe = (_re * other->_re + _im * other->_im) / denominator;
retIm = (_im * other->_re - _re * other->_im) / denominator;
return [Complex complexWithRe: retRe andIm: retIm];


CategorizdComplex *num1 = [[CategorizedComplex alloc] initWithRe: 1 andIm: 999];
Complex *num2 = [Complex complexWithRe: 0 andIm: 0];
CategorizedComplex *num3 = [num1 div: num2]; //num3 == nil


// CategorizedComplex.m
#import CategorizedComplex.h
@interface Complex ()
- (void)zeroComplex; //    

@implementation Complex
- (void)zeroComplex //      
_re = 0;
_im = 0; 

Objective-C , , , ( ++, virtual  = 0). 2.0 ( @required, ) ( @optional). , , . , , , :

@protocol MyPrinterProtocol
- (void)print;
- (BOOL)switchedOn;
- (void)loadPapaer: (int)numberOfPages;

@interface MyPrinter : NSObject <MyPrinterProtocol>
// MyPrinter   MyPrinterProtocol
BOOL _state;
int _numberOfPages;
- (id)initWithState: (BOOL)state andPagesCount: (int)pages;
- (BOOL)state;

O MyPrinter print switchedOn, , respondsToSelector:, loadPaper:, . , - :

MyPrinter *printer;
id anotherPrinter = [[MyPrinter alloc] init];
[anotherPrinter print]; //       

, . .

@interface MyPrinter : NSObject <MyPrinterProtocol, OtherProtocol>

(id), , :

id <MyPrinterProtocol> somePrinter;

: , , . , , , , , , . Objective-C .

. ( ) . Cocoa NSException, NSString ( id):

- (id)initWitnName: (NSString *)name reason: (NSString *)reason userInfo: (id)userInfo;

, , , @throw. , , , @try ( ). , , @catch(), . @catch() @try . , , @try , @catch(), @catch(), , ( , id). @catch(), . @try @finally, , @try ( - @catch()), . Cup fill :

Cup *cup = [[Cup alloc] init];
[cup fill]; // fill    NSException
@catch (NSException *exception)
{//     NSLog
NSLog(@"main: Caught %@: %@", [exception name], [exception reason]);
@finally //  @try   
[cup release]; 

@finally , @try, .

Objective-C 2.0 a Complex : . :

// Complex.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  // NSObject   NSString

@interface Complex : NSObject
double _re; //   
double _im; //   
NSString *_format; //    description
- (id)initWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im; 
+ (Complex *)complexWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im; 
- (Complex *)add: (Complex *)other; //  
- (Complex *)sub: (Complex *)other; //  
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *format; //  
@property (nonatomic, assign) double re; //  
@property (nonatomic, assign) double im;

// Complex.m
#import Complex.h

@implementation Complex
@synthesize format = _format; //  
@synthesize re = _re; //   
@synthesize im = _im; //      
- (id)init
return [self initWithRe: 0.0 andIm: 0.0];
- (id)initWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im
if (self = [super init])
_re = re;
_im = im;
_format = @re: %.1lf im: %.1lf; //   
+ (Complex *)complexWithRe: (double)re andIm: (double)im
return [[[Complex alloc] initWithRe: re andIm: im] autorelease];
- (Complex *)add: (Complex *)other
return [[Complex alloc] initWithRe: _re + other.re andIm: _im + other.im]; //  re  im
- (Complex *)sub: (Complex *)other
return [[Complex alloc] initWithRe: _re  other.re andIm: _im  other.im]; //  re  im

, .. . , .

Complex . , .

          3GL - .   4GL -     DB-

, , - . , , . , .

 10.11.2021 - 12:37: - Personalias -> WHO IS WHO - - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:36: - Conscience -> . ? - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:36: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> ... - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:35: - Ecology -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> . - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:34: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> , - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:18: - New Technologies -> , 5G- - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:18: - Ecology -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:16: - Ecology -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:15: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:13: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _.
Bourabai Research -  XXI Bourabai Research Institution