Calling Conventions
Specifying how procedures are called.

Calling conventions determine how calling code interacts with procedures when called. They specify rules about how parameters are pushed onto the call stack, how values are returned and when the call stack is cleaned up. This information is useful when interacting with code written in other languages, particularly assembly language. In some cases, calling conventions also apply some kind of name decoration to procedure names.

FreeBASIC supports 3 calling conventions: stdcall, cdecl and pascal, specified with stdcall, cdecl and pascal, respectively. Calling convention can be specified in either a procedure declaration or definition immediately following the procedure name. The declaration of a procedure must have the same calling convention as the definition. The default convention is stdcall when not specified, or within Extern "Windows" and Extern "Windows-Ms" blocks.

In all calling conventions, integral procedure return values are returned in the EAX(, EDX) register(s), and floating-point return values are stored in the ST(0) register (the top of the floating-point stack). User-defined type (UDT) values are returned in the EAX(, EDX) register(s) if eight (8) bytes or less in size, otherwise they are returned in memory by having their address pushed onto the call stack after any parameters.


In the stdcall convention, procedure parameters are pushed onto the call stack in the reverse order they are declared, that is, from right to left. The procedure is in charge of popping any parameters from the call stack.

stdcall is the default calling convention for all FreeBASIC procedures, and those within Extern "Windows" and Extern "Windows-Ms" blocks. It is also the default convention used in the Windows API.

Platform Differences

  • In DOS and Windows platforms, the procedure name is decorated with an "@N" suffix, where N is the total size, in bytes, of any parameters passed.


In the cdecl convention, procedure parameters are pushed onto the call stack in the reverse order they are declared, that is, from right to left. The calling code is in charge of popping parameters from the call stack.

cdecl is the default calling convention for procedures within Extern "C" and Extern "C++" blocks. It is also the default convention used by most C and C++ compilers.


In the pascal convention, procedure parameters are pushed onto the call stack in the order they are declared, that is, from left to right. The procedure is in charge of popping any parameters from the call stack.

pascal is the default convention used by Pascal and the Microsoft QuickBASIC series of compilers.

The following table summarizes the differences between the various calling conventions:

Calling convention Parameters are pushed onto the call stack from Parameters are popped off the call stack by
stdcall right to left the procedure
cdecl right to left the calling code
pascal left to right the procedure

Platform Differences

  • In DOS and Windows platforms, all calling conventions decorate procedure names with an underscore ("_") prefix.

See also

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Знаете ли Вы, что в 1974 - 1980 годах профессор Стефан Маринов из г. Грац, Австрия, проделал серию экспериментов, в которых показал, что Земля движется по отношению к некоторой космической системе отсчета со скоростью 360±30 км/с, которая явно имеет какой-то абсолютный статус. Естественно, ему не давали нигде выступать и он вынужден был начать выпуск своего научного журнала "Deutsche Physik", где объяснял открытое им явление. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.

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